€213 million available for advancing Europe’s circular bio-based economy

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) has officially announced its 2024 call for project proposals in April, dedicating €213 million to fostering competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe. Interested stakeholders in the circular bio-based sector are encouraged to apply by 18 September 2024, 17:00 Brussels time.

Funding Categories and Participation

CBE JU invites three types of projects for funding:

  • Innovation Actions (IAs): Scale up activities from prototype to market replication. Flagship projects (IA-FLAGs) will deploy the first industrial and commercial scale production plant in Europe.
  • Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs): Establish new knowledge or explore new technological feasibility.
  • Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs): Structure stakeholder communities, support technological visions, outreach, and disseminate research results.

18 Topics to Support Three Key Objectives

In 2024, CBE JU aims to bolster the scaling up of technologies that drive industrial deployment, thereby increasing investment and creating jobs at regional and local levels. This aligns with three primary CBE JU objectives:

  • Accelerate Innovation: Enhance development of bio-based innovative solutions.
  • Market Deployment: Speed up the market introduction of both mature and new bio-based solutions.
  • Environmental Performance: Ensure high environmental standards in bio-based industrial systems.

Applicants will contribute to these objectives through projects within 18 designated funding topics, supported by a total indicative budget of €213 million.

Innovation Actions – Flagship (IA-Flagship)

  • Bio-based value chains for valorisation of sustainable oil crops: €20 million
  • Conversion of biomass into bio-based platform chemicals: €20 million
  • Valorisation of sustainable natural fibre feedstock: €20 million

Innovation Actions (IA)

  • Biodegradable in-soil bio-based materials and products: €15 million
  • Sustainable microalgae for innovative applications: €15 million
  • Commercially produced "Safe and Sustainable by Design" (SSbD) solvents: €15 million
  • Circular SSbD construction & building materials: €15 million
  • Sustainable co-production of lignin-derived aromatics: €15 million
  • Innovative bio-based adhesives and binders: €15 million
  • Conversion of biogenic gaseous carbon into bio-based chemicals: €15 million

Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)

  • Valorisation of polluted/contaminated wood waste: €7 million
  • Bio-based chemicals from biotech routes: €7 million
  • Sustainable alternatives for crop protection: €10 million
  • SSbD bio-based coatings for extreme conditions: €7 million
  • Innovative bio-based food/feed ingredients: €7 million

Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)

  • New cooperation models in agriculture and forestry: €4 million
  • Inclusive participation in bio-based systems: €3 million
  • Supporting the CBE JU Deployment Group for Primary Producers: €3 million

How to Participate

A diverse range of stakeholders—including farmers, companies, research organizations, and local authorities—are invited to participate. Detailed proposal submission requirements are available on the call documents for each topic.

The CBE JU call’s budget is funded by Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation funding programme. Applicants can submit their proposals electronically from 24 April 2024 via the EU's Funding & Tender Opportunities portal. More information on proposal submissions is available in the Horizon Europe online manual.

Additional Information and Networking

For further details, visit the call page and explore the CBE JU Annual Work Programme 2024 and applicable FAQs. Stakeholders are also encouraged to join the CBE JU free networking platform to connect with over 1,400 members, pitch project ideas, or seek partners.

Get Ready for the Final Push: Last-Minute Tips for Crafting a Winning Project Proposal

As the deadline for the 2024 CBE JU call for project proposals approaches, we believe that many organizations, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are in the crucial final stages of preparing their submissions. To support you during this critical time, CBE JU’s Project Officer has compiled some essential tips to help you refine and perfect your proposal.

BIO-Boost Expert Tips for Writing a Strong Project Proposal

  1. Understand the Objectives: Clearly align your project with the CBE JU's core objectives: innovation acceleration, market deployment, and environmental performance. Show how your project will contribute specifically to these goals.
  2. Follow the Guidelines: Adhere strictly to the proposal guidelines provided in the call documents. Ensure your proposal is complete and complies with all requirements.
  3. Highlight Innovation: Emphasize the innovative aspects of your project. Detail what makes your solution unique and how it advances the field of bio-based industries.
  4. Market Potential: Clearly explain the potential market impact of your project. Provide realistic and well-supported projections on market uptake and commercial viability.
  5. Environmental Impact: Showcase how your project will deliver high environmental performance. Include measurable environmental benefits and a clear strategy for sustainability.
  6. Strong Consortium: Build a robust consortium that brings together diverse expertise and skills. Highlight the strengths and complementarities of the partners involved.
  7. Clear Work Plan: Present a detailed and realistic work plan. Outline the project’s timeline, milestones, and deliverables. Ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and allocated.
  8. Risk Management: Identify potential risks and provide a comprehensive risk management plan. Demonstrating foresight and proactive management strategies builds confidence in your proposal.
  9. Budget Justification: Justify your budget clearly. Ensure that costs are reasonable and directly related to the project activities. Provide detailed explanations for significant expenses.
  10. Impact and Dissemination: Outline your strategy for the dissemination and exploitation of results. Show how your project’s outcomes will be communicated to stakeholders and how they will benefit the wider community.

Utilize Available Resources

  • Networking Platform: Join the CBE JU networking platform to connect with potential partners, pitch your project ideas, and seek collaborations.
  • Proposal Templates and Guides: Make use of the proposal templates and guides available on the Horizon Europe online manual.
  • Webinars and Info Sessions: Watch recordings of the CBE JU info day and other relevant webinars to gain insights and clarity on the submission process.

Final Submission Tips

  • Proofread Thoroughly: Ensure clarity and conciseness. Eliminate any errors and make your proposal easy to read.
  • Seek Feedback: Have your proposal reviewed by colleagues or external experts to gain constructive feedback.
  • Submit Early: Avoid last-minute issues by submitting your proposal well before the deadline of 18 September 2024, 17:00 Brussels time.

For any specific questions related to the CBE JU call, feel free to reach out to info@cbe.europa.eu directly. General queries about Horizon Europe procedures can be directed to the Research Enquiry Service or the IT helpdesk.

Additional Support

Scroll down for a presentation on How to Write a Good Proposal, which provides further guidance and practical advice to enhance your submission.
You can also contact BIO-Boost project Key Account Mangers at Get support.

We are here to support you in this final push. Follow our tips to enhance your proposal and increase your chances of success. Good luck!

Stay ahead in the bio-based revolution! Apply now to contribute to a sustainable and competitive bio-based future for Europe.