6th BIO-Boost Hackathon

8 October, 2024 - Aarhus, Denmark
Agro Food Park, 9:00 - 16:00

Save the date!


Location: Agro Food Park - meeting room 1, Agro Food Park 15, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark
Language: English
Price: Gratis / Free
From: 08 October 2024 at 09:00
To: 08 October 2024 at 16:00


Come and pitch your idea and/or business opportunity

The goal of this BIO-Boost hackathon is to create new challenge-driven ideas to solve current systemic challenges and initiate thematic ideas for new projects.

The challenges are defined before the event by the participating companies and are based on specific industry needs. The cross-sectoral challenges are then addressed by teams from the academic world through pitching sessions.

During September 2024, FBCD will receive topics/challenges related to bioeconomy, circular economy and green energy transition for the BIO-Boost hackathon event.

SUBMIT YOUR IDEA/CHALLENGE HERE : cha@foodbiocluster.dk

It is possible to present in both Danish and English.

BIO-Boost pitching sessions will address challenges related to various sustainability themes, including:

  • Enabling a biodiverse and circular bioeconomy via value creation
  • Increased circularity of large industrial side streams
  • Recovery and reuse of critical raw materials (electric car batteries as an example)
  • Energy storage and the flexibility/robustness of the energy system

Program for the day:

  • 09:00 Coffee and welcome
  • 09:30 Hackathon: presentation of ideas
  • 10:30 Brainstorming session
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 12:30 Brainstorming continues
  • 14:00 Coffee
  • 14:15 Pitching of project ideas/proposed solutions
  • 16:00 Rounding off


Conny Hanghøj