2nd Project BIO-Boost Partner Meeting
12/04/20232nd BIO-Boost Study visit: Granada
27/06/2023From 26th till 30th of June 2023 partners of BIO-Boost project took part of the first staff exchange in stunning city of Granada, Spain. Five project partners’ staff member took part of this staff exchange from all widening countries of the consortium: UNIMOS, LIC, ITC and NCBR. This is an important activity of the project to develop closer relationships within the partnership, and with the wider regional innovation ecosystems, as well as to learn improved innovation support measures. The host of our first staff exchange was onGranada Tech City, where we've visited the project office and other relevant facilities.
We had the opportunity to visit Fundación PTS Granada (Granada Health Technology Park, Andalusian Public Foundation), where the Mrs. Lourdes Nuñez-Müller, PhD, MBA, Director of Knowledge Transfer, Internationalization, and Entrepreneurship, welcomed us to find complementarities with bioeconomy and possible collaborations in the future.
At Confederacion Granadina Empresarios CGE our partner UNIMOS organized hackathon methodology workshop. Through hackathons and challenges arisen from large companies we will contribute to innovation ecosystem building and development as every partner will have to organize its own hackathon related to bioeconomy sector in the near future. The workshop was organized and conducted by Katarzyna Kowalska, who has presented specialized hackathon tools and the consortium will establish and test a business hackathon model, operating cross-border, and testing and verifying results. The model will tackle two main target groups:
- Implementers – organisations in the consortium wanting to improve their services to member companies / clients, as well as other innovation agencies invited to the events as part of the wider exploitation of project results.
- challengers – large well-established companies working in an international context, aiming for green growth and circular bio-solutions large, and looking to change their business towards greater sustainability.
Finally, the workshop was conducted for interrelations between our WPs, where WP leaders had to find linkages between task and activities with other WPs. This is really beneficial to overcome working in silos and to achieve a more homogeneous and comprehensive approach of project implementation.
It’s been a remarkable experience to participate in Project BIO-Boost staff exchange and we gained a lot of new knowledge and experience from hosting partners and all the participating institutions.
Thank you onGranada Tech City for organizing such an inspiring agenda. Special thanks go to Fatima Carmona Sánchez and both On Tech ambassadors, Emilio Rull Quesada and Dana Shawish.